Socially Undistanced.
CoViD-19 Art.
The 1st Live Streamed Art Exhibit | *Successfully Completed
Our mission is to help the global community of the Art Industry amidst CoViD-19 pandemic.
All proceeds go to CoViD-19 frontliners, test kits and projects (especially in the Philippines).

Exhibit Live Premiered: Friday, August 28th—7PM Pacific Time | Saturday, August 29th— 10AM Philippine Time
Yes, you can purchase art that we exhibited! For your reference our Patrons/VIPs have a priority in reserving/purchasing a high-value art and we from Spoliarium would love to share this with you. Our art collectors usually buy artwork for their personal collections that they didn’t necessarily expect to consider an investment. Just send us an email to get private access —


Totong Francisco
Angono, Philippines

Sonja Roosenhart
Vijfhuizen, Netherlands

Special Message:
Also known as
SPOLIARIUM Ambassadors:

Senior Artist Boy Mata – Angono, Philippines
Cubism and Pointillism

Raeche – Manila, Philippines
What is Socially Undistanced and CoViD-19 Art?
In this time of global crisis: social distancing keeps us isolated for our physical health. But for our mental well-being, how can we stay connected while being apart?
Socially Undistanced
Connect socially online in a meaningful way
CoViD-19 Art
Artwork done by the Artists in the time of CoViD-19 quarantine
Reserve your VIP Access now!
*All proceeds will be donated to CoViD-19 frontliners, test kits and projects (especially in the Philippines).
Note: Please don’t forget to write your name and e-mail to receive your personalized pass and message from us.
LIMITED SLOTS ONLY. 50% discount due to CoViD-19 Pandemic.
4VVJ4A5B – Use this coupon code upon checkout. Coupon expiry date: 2020-08-15
USD Standard Rate: $50
PHP Standard Rate: ₱2,000
- Access to art exhibit live streamed event
- Exclusive access to event content and program
- Limited access to Spoliarium Art Community
- Limited access in purchasing an artwork
USD Standard Rate: $100
PHP Standard Rate: ₱5,000
- Access to art exhibit live streamed event
- Exclusive access to event content and program
- Member access to Spoliarium Art Community
- Member Access in purchasing a Password Protected Artwork
USD Standard Rate: $150
PHP Standard Rate: ₱7,000
- Access to art exhibit live streamed event
- Exclusive access to event content and program
- VIP access to Spoliarium Art Community
- VIP Access in purchasing a Password Protected Artwork and can reserve an artwork
- VIP Virtual Private Lounge + Wine & Cheese Party and Conversations with the Artists
Spoliarium Bayanihan: Feed A Frontliner Today!
“Bayanihan” is a filipino culture which means empowerment of every individual through teamwork, innovation and action to achieve a specific goal.
Donate now to feed a frontliner.
“You will receive a video message or a photo from CoViD-19 frontliners out in the field so you can see the impact of your donation.”
₱50 ($1) = 1 Healthy Snack
₱120 ($2.5) = 1 Healthy Meal
Our Live Streamed Art Exhibit mission is to help the global community of the Art Industry, including Frontliners amidst CoViD-19.
*All proceeds go to CoViD-19 frontliners, test kits and projects (especially in the Philippines).
- Anonymous: “Thank you to our heroes!”
- M. Juls
Do you want to be a part of the CoViD-19 solution? Let’s feed one-frontliner-at-a-time.
Our Partners