*Every support helps the artist, victims of child abuse and people living with HIV through The Red Whistle Organization. Make an impact with us in cash or in-kind -> KNOW MORE <

“Be Wiser, Be Braver, and Live Happier—You’ve got this!”

Welcome to Spoliarium, where we believe in the power of positivity coupled with actions to transform your daily life. “Be Wiser, Be Braver, and Live Happier—You’ve got this!” These aren’t just words; they are a personal mantra that has guided me, and especially our team, to navigate life and work.

After more than a decade in the corporate world, losing my mum, travelling the globe, and seeking renewed meaning in life, I realized the importance of taking care of overall well-being and self-transformation before aiming to change the world. Now, our team is eager to share this platform and inspiration with you.

Our mission is to uplift humanity, whether you choose to invest in art or in yourself. At Spoliarium, we aim to make a lasting impact by adding value to your life through real art from real artists and words of encouragement. We’re here to support you in finding and sustaining happiness and health every moment.

If you’re ready to experience the transformative power of fine art or enhance your overall well-being, let’s have an impactful conversation (here’s my private room link) or join our waitlist to have a real human connection. You will be assisted by a real expert, not an AI. We are committed to standing by you as you embark on a journey toward a more fulfilling and positive life.

Remember: You are wiser, braver, and happier today and tomorrow than you can imagine!


-Herica CH, Founder-CEO

Vision, Mission & Core Values

“Spoliarium” is a Latin word that refers to the basement of the Roman Colosseum, where fallen and dying gladiators were dumped. It is also the title of a historical painting by Juan Luna, which has become a Philippine national symbol. Luna created the painting to inspire his fellow Filipinos during the Spanish regime, which lasted for 333 years.
In 1884, he submitted it to the Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes in Madrid, where it won the first gold medal. Spoliarium is the largest painting in the Philippines, measuring 13.8 feet by 25.18 feet.
If you visit the National Museum of Fine Arts in Manila, you’ll be greeted by this breathtaking masterpiece. It’s a testament to Philippine history and the indomitable spirit of its people.

Interestingly, today Spoliarium is also the name of a global service and tech solutions provider for fine art.

Our Vision and Mission
“Empower local artists and make humans happier with the power of art”. We believe that humans can be happier, more productive and that millions of artists can reach greater profits by providing you with a faster, easier to use, secure and globally inclusive fine art platform—which you can use to buy, co-own, sell and earn income with.

Our Core Values

Prioritizing Overall Well-being and Progress:
We prioritize overall well-being and progress as the cornerstone of productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction. By emphasizing Wisdom, Health, and Happiness, we lay the foundation for a harmonious and successful work environment.

Commitment to Quality and Timeliness:
We are dedicated to delivering quality output within deadlines. Through effective collaboration, innovative problem-solving, precise action, and swift results, we ensure our work meets the highest standards.

Effective Communication and Initiative:
We thrive on effective communication, innovation, initiation, and execution with tactical accuracy and adherence to deadlines. This ensures seamless operations and successful outcomes in our endeavours.

Inculcating Morality, Tenacity, and Excellence:
We instill a culture of morality, tenacity, and excellence in our team. Acting with respect, honesty, skill, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence in everything we do defines our professional ethos.


– We believe that humans can be happier and more productive when we work together towards bigger goals.
– We believe that fine art is more than just another NFT or scam.
– We believe that you and I can empower artists, ourselves and the world through art.

– We believe that art can benefit you personally, professionally and financially, and our platform is fast, easy to use, secure and globally inclusive.

– We believe that we can all balance our personal, professional, family and social lives by working 5-6 hours a day.

***We’re here to help you achieve that with the power of art. (Research by Oxford University’s Saïd Business School showed that happy workers are 13% more productive!)

We didn’t think of starting a company at first.

Our journey began with a need—a need to give a hand to a talented artist who needs help in selling his magnificent art pieces.

We started Spoliarium in 2019 as a small project—a way to support a talented family friend who was struggling to sell his amazing art pieces. We soon realized that he was not alone in his challenges, and that many artists needed help to showcase their work and reach more customers. We organized our first exhibit, which was a success, and we sold paintings both locally and internationally.

Spoliarium is more than just a business for us. It is a passion project that connects us with the beauty and power of art. Art is a form of self-expression that reveals the artist’s personality, perspective and emotions. Art also enriches our lives by making us happier and more productive. Studies have shown that art stimulates our brains and enhances our well-being.

We believe that everyone should experience the benefits of fine art, and that artists deserve to be rewarded for their creativity and skill. 

Our vision—help painters achieve greater profits and make people happier with their art.

Whether you are interested in buying, selling, co-owning or supporting fine art, we invite you to join us on our mission and discover the wonders of Spoliarium.

-Herica CH, Founder-CEO


Our artists are delighted because we ensure they receive fair compensation. We streamline their payment process, helping them increase profits.

We handle worldwide shipping and installation to ensure customer satisfaction. Plus, we guarantee a luxurious delivery experience.

We’re here even after the sale. We help take care of your artwork, and we assist in appreciating the value of your fine art purchased from us.

Our collection features High-Value Art designed to appreciate over time, offering quality pieces that endure for a century or more. *Enjoy a money-back guarantee!

Moreover, our art is timeless and adaptable, complementing any wall colour. You can easily move the artwork within your personal or professional space.

Acquire fine art securely and effortlessly. Now, you can buy, sell, co-own, lease, or lease-to-own exquisite art with ease. *Explore financing options. | You will be assisted by a real expert, not an AI

MAKE A DIFFERENCE. *Every art purchase or support aids artists, victims of child abuse, and people living with HIV through The Red Whistle Organization.

TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE. **Fine art can boost your well-being and happiness. Studies indicate that admiring a beautiful painting can increase blood flow by 10%, enhancing cognitive skills and daily performance.

Your contribution, whether big or small, whether you buy artwork from us or not, is aimed at ensuring you live a happier life.

“Live Happier. You’ve got this!”—Spoliarium’s daily positive message empowers you to start your day with wisdom, confidence, and courage. We strive to make a meaningful and powerful impact by providing valuable encouragement, enabling you to manage your day happily and healthily, even during potentially challenging moments.

Boost your overall well-being and progress today with the power of fine art!

✓ Achieve personal, professional, and financial growth with our fine art support.

✓ Uncover High-Value Art destined to increase in value, with quality pieces designed to last a century or more. *Money-back guarantee!


Our global team brings more than a decade of mastery and dedication to each classic piece backed by incomparable proficiency of both art history, the dynamic market and the business.

SPOLIARIUM.COM – Technology Solutions & Fine Art Platform For Artwork And Artists. Spoliarium Reengineers Global Art Exhibits And Provides A Marketplace For Artists. We’re highlighting great artists from around the world to give them exposure in their local communities and internationally.

9AM-11AM Philippine Time (Tues-Sat) |  6PM-11PM Paris (GMT+2) (Tue-Thu) | 11AM-4PM Pacific Time (Mon-Fri)

Main Operations

Support Team



University of Oxford Certificate Program, 2022
Economics, Development Economics and International Development

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2022
European Paintings, Art History, Criticism and Conservation

Y Combinator Start-Up School Winter 2020 | Headquarters: Mountain View, California, United States
(1)Certificate, (2)Certification Letter

Kauffman Fellows & Techstars Venture Deals 2019 | Austin, TX 78738 USA
(1)State of Accomplishment

For credential request/concerns please email admin@spoliarium.com

Herica Honcolada​


  • Highly experienced tactical problem solver—Product Engineer/Architect, Revenue & Finance/VAT/TAX Expert—saved a global company from a $666M/year VAT penalty
  • EU-Art Expert Certified. International Economics Certified -OxfordX, Certified YCombinator Graduate 2020

Jennifer Oxciano​​

Co-Founder-CTO, CSO

  • Highly skilled in driving company revenue, meeting financial targets, sales and operations
  • Operations & Strategies Expert

Loui Mercieca

Tech Advisor-Developer

  • Highly experienced on software/distributed ledger tech. Advisor of the National Blockchain Strategy Taskforce for the Maltese government. Technology  Consultant/ Advisor
  • Developed *AI and Crypto Tech platform acquired by Canadian Company for $XXM

Jay-Nicolas Hackleman

Tech Advisor-Developer


SPOLIARIUM.COM—Real Art by Real Artists!