Earn more profit by displaying our high-value art!
Boost your foot traffic and profits—showcase our art on your walls
We help make your business profitable with our fine art sales, just send us your business profile and we’ll take care of the rest.
*Your support helps the artist, victims of child abuse and people living with HIV through The Red Whistle Organization. Check updates here: SHARE THE LOVE. Buy Art, Change Lives!

You can now be part of the $50B Art Industry.

What’s in it for you?
You can now be part of the $50B Art Industry.
Zero Cost
- No rental fees
- No inventory
New revenue streams
- Earn from $108K-up
- Save budget on art rental/purchase fees
Wider market reach
- Reach global market/audience
- Free worldwide promotions
Painless supply chain
- Painless shipping procedure
- Save cost on consulting for art services/supply
*or e-mail it to admin@spoliarium.com
Spoliarium increases your foot traffic & profit with our fine art sales!
How it Works: It’s as easy as 1,2,3!