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Enjoy your complimentary membership. A special gift from our Founder-CEO Herica Honcolada.

How to Support Us?

Our mission is to empower local artists and make humans happier with the power of art.

We appreciate your generosity and willingness to help us achieve our mission. If you would like to support us, here are some options you can choose from:


Buy art from our online store or visit our gallery.

You will find high-value artwork from real talented artists, globally. *For every art you buy or support you give, you help the artists, victims of child abuse and people living with HIV through The Red Whistle Organization. 

Donate any amount or Volunteer.

Every donation helps us to keep our operations running and to fund our community projects. You can also volunteer some of your time and skills to help us with our events, workshops, and outreach programs. See Share The Love for more details.

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Global Art Market Value Estimates

*See your fine art value estimate chart using a wide screen (laptop or pc). This is an example of a private account that shows your art value and future investments..

Certificate of Authenticity

A selection of fine art that meets your classic global art standards/aesthetics for immediate purchase.

Outstanding/Paid Invoices

SPOLIARIUM.COM—Real Art by Real Artists!