We're here to Simplify the Art Marketplace and Rebuild Our Now!

We work privately with our art collectors and artists.

Our role is to  help you choose what art that would fit you, your home and your budget. 

With our expertise  we’re here to guide  you on which  or what art you should spend on  with an affordable price or within your budget that can turn to a higher value over time.

Spoliarium makes b2b art marketplace transactions faster and easier.

Fine art collection & exhibition made easy for your personal, professional and financial goals.

Spoliarium carefully looks at the authenticity and uniqueness of an art including the background of an artist

We provide art legal documents and seal for authenticity to protect the artist, the artwork and the art collector

When you buy art from us we ensure and secure that its value increases over time and you can even sell art with us

Additionally, your contribution whether big or small makes a huge impact to our local brilliant artists and community

You and I empower the artists and timeless art pieces to thrive

SPOLIARIUM.COM—Real Art by Real Artists!